It’s up, up, and away for Spirit my way this week. My blog’s gone live and is starting to find its rhythm. Since last year, I’ve learned a lot about blogging and social media, and still, there’s more to learn.
If technology kind of freaks you out as it did me, in a big way, and for a long time, well then, I’m living proof that the biggest avoider of technology can change her spots. Technology is now my friend!
The other big news I have to share with you is that my book Where The Light Lives was released on 2nd February. But, it was this week that I launched it on social media, and it’s been a lot of fun so far.
I’ve got a long way to go yet, in spreading the good news, but I’ve started, and surely that’s something to celebrate! You may like to help me out by letting a friend know that my book is now available!
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Here, in Perth, Western Australia, my hometown, it’s been really hot for days and truly, I’ve never felt hotter. WMO says 2015 was the hottest year on record.
However, my kids started a new school year last Monday and both wore jumpers because it was cold, which is something I’ve not seen before, of any West Aussie kid in forty years!
It’s obvious the weather’s not quite right and it has me pondering what sort of legacy our generation will leave the next when it comes to climate change and the wellness of our planet.
A few days ago, I listened to a podcast by Brooke McAlary from Jack Rabbit FM. She asks: Have you ever spent time thinking about your legacy?
If you sometimes feel like you don’t know what you want from life or what your purpose is, then, considering what kind of legacy you’d like to leave behind when it comes your time to depart the earth, is one way of working out what brings you meaning in this life.
Another way of thinking about how you’d like to be living with regard to your work or relationships, or other things important to you, is to write your eulogy, as you would wish it to be read.
Imagine the best kinds of things being said about you. Too morbid for you? It needn’t be. We’re all going to die someday, so why not have a bit of fun imagining what a great life you’ve lived, and what great contributions you’ve made?
Conceptualising is a starting point for actualising your hopes and dreams.

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This weekend I’m popping the champers in celebration of my book launch. My family and I are also heading to the river, along with the kayak, for some time together. Have you anything fun planned for the weekend? Maybe you’d like to enjoy a little quiet time for yourself. I’d love to hear about it!
Here are a few things I want to share with you:
- Odyssey: The Midnight Sun in 4K captures the surreal and unforgettable light on Iceland’s varied landscapes during the midnight sun.
- How did an entire community work together to produce no trash? Welcome to the zero-waste town.
- You can live without producing trash. One New York woman is making an effort to change the way we think about waste. Lauren Singer produced only a jar’s worth of trash in two years!
- Oh, my, this has got to be the funkiest art store on the planet! I want to go! Japanese company Warehouse Terrada has opened an ‘art supply laboratory’ in Tokyo – a range that includes more than 4,000 different pigments!
- Legendary Russian painter and art theorist, Wassily Kandinsky on the internal necessity to create as a spiritual impulse.
- A simply beautiful film by Coda: A lost soul stumbles drunkenly through the city. In a park, Death finds him and shows him many things.
- Grief is an inevitable part of life: Caroline Winata on saying goodbye to her brother who died in a car accident.
- I love feathers and Colin Adrian’s glass is my product pick of the week!
Linda x
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