Friday, March 18, 2016

The book Where The Light Lives is an authentic, firsthand account of a Near-Death Experience. I didn’t die, go to heaven and then come back to life, rather I wanted to die, I went to heaven and then I came back to life.

It might otherwise be referred to as Near-Death-like Experiences or as Spiritually Transformative Experiences, or simply as an account of a young woman’s multiple, spontaneous out-of-body experiences and her many other extraordinary mystical encounters.

Regardless of what category these particular events fall into, they have profoundly altered my life. Furthermore, they have compelled me to re-evaluate three-dimensional, linear reality.



I was born the much-loved daughter of a forklift driver and a waitress. I acquired deep-seated grief from my immigrant parents and their fragmented culture, right from birth and most probably even before this. It surfaced when, as a teenager, I was diagnosed with acute idiopathic scoliosis.

This accrued grief in me was later released in my twenties and thirties by a series of miracles. In particular, I encountered The “God” Light, which awakened me to my true nature and to higher spiritual reality.

I have since receiving this healing, felt greatly compelled to pass on my insights to others who may benefit by them. Thus, this book was birthed.

Also, to help others integrating similar transcendent and transformative experiences to realise that they are not alone – as I felt I was for too long – in holding divine knowing in one’s heart and mind, and a new worldview, more wondrous than can ever be depicted.



My mum was a door-to-door sales woman when I was a child. One day she knocked on a stranger’s door and a man opened it. He wasn’t interested in buying her wares, but had a message for her.

“When she is grown, your youngest daughter will heal people here,” he said with a hand on his heart and with deep emotion.

Great, mum thought, my daughter is destined to become a heart surgeon. She will heal people like her father – those with a sick heart.

I did not become a heart surgeon, but this book is brimming with the divine Light that has blessed my life, in myriad ways, and has the power to heal and to inspire the hearts and minds of people in near and far places.


The book Where The Light Lives



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Linda Cull is an artist, author, poet, and blogger at Spirit my way® covering spirituality, inspired creativity, and transformative experiences. Keep up-to-date with her latest posts and offerings plus receive your FREEBIES > Join Email List!