I’ve been wanting to share a few things…big things really. Future things. Like where I’m going creatively now that I’ve published Where The Light Lives & When Eve Walked. If I look out my studio windows I can see the growth that’s happened since I went through one of the biggest challenges of my life – spinal fusion surgery. It was a massive procedure and a slow recovery.
I have Marfan syndrome, a connective tissue disorder that includes acute scoliosis. Before the op, my spine had 70 degrees of curvature and is now at 30 degrees. For me, health and wellness have been a necessary focus for most of my life because of this chronic condition that I was born with but didn’t know I had until I was 43! (I’m 48). Perhaps I’ll write a book about it one day…
It’s been 21 months since that big op. When I arrived home from the hospital, I began planning a new garden for our backyard which my studio overlooks to take my mind off the pain. Rob (hubby) did all the hard work – pulling out overgrown shrubs, and bringing in new soil, plants, and mulch. My idea was to create a cottage garden to inspire my creativity and now the garden’s flourishing!
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Unfortunately, since the op, I haven’t done much art because it hurt to use my arms. All the muscles in my back were cut off the bones and then re-attached. The creative juices just weren’t flowing despite my best efforts and so I decided not to fight it – to simply let go. Doing this brought me new opportunities that weren’t about art or books but kept me from descending into despair.
Then, mid-last year, somewhat directionless about where I was heading in life, my deceased father came to me in a “dream”. In it, we stood at the front of my childhood home near flower boxes where he loved to grow petunias. He looked right at me and said: Focus on your goal. I woke up with a start, his words inscribed upon my heart. And for months, pondered what my goal might be.
In many ways, it took a year and a half to recover energetically from the op. Pain is an energy destroyer. But it also teaches me to focus my mind elsewhere, on life-giving things. I’m moving and sleeping better now. And since Christmas, something big has shifted in me. A great sense of clarity has come over me: I know my goal. Yes, the creative vibe has re-awakened within me!
So, here I am, friend. Ready to embark upon my next soulful journey and I’d love for you to come along for the ride! I’m really excited, and a little uncomfortable but in a good way. Like how you ought to feel before trying something that will grow you. We know that progress requires commitment, effort, and regular spurts of bravery. So, what’s the goal? To share the Light!

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Surface Design
Going into the next decade (yes, that far!) I would really like to immerse myself in the world of surface design! Putting my artwork and words on things is something I’ve long wanted to do, and do well, but I have felt overwhelmed because there is so much to learn, including complex design programs like Photoshop and Illustrator. But I now feel a strong urge to take courage and begin!
I’d looove to see my designs on stationery, giftware, and homeware. Why art on everyday products? Because they reach people all over the world in their private, unguarded moments where they’re best able to receive the Light. I care very much that my soul gifts are accessible to you, personally, so you can feel supported and inspired on your soul journey as you navigate life and creativity.
Is it also your dream to become a creative entrepreneur? To share your creativity with lots of people and sell products online or in brick-and-mortar shops and artisan markets (licensing & wholesaling). Or perhaps you’re a hobbyist wanting to expand your skill set. Fortunately, there are many free and affordable resources available online to help us learn about this exciting industry.
To begin with, you can find out more about surface design through American surface pattern designers Bonnie Christine and Sarah Watts or if you are from Australia, Rachelle Holowko. These lovely ladies (& many others) share their wealth of design and business knowledge with creatives all over the world. Check out my fav podcast for extra inspiration: The Professional Creative!
Another important consideration to have as an aspiring designer is your computer setup. If you want to digitise your art and develop your design skills, you’ll need to have good technology that can cope with big files and graphics programs like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator – tools that many artists and designers use (industry standard). You will also require a scanner and a camera.
There’s a lot to think about but I’m here to share the journey with you which will make it easier for both of us. No doubt it will be an adventure, and who doesn’t like an adventure and a creative one at that? I’ll write about my finds and progress made under the new blog category “Art Biz”. My newsletter Spirit News will keep you updated on all the latest news, info, and inspiration!
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