Parents and guardians are often the first to hear about a child’s spiritual experience. These 10 tips will support your spiritual child and help them shine:
Listen attentively and naturally to your child when they share their spiritual experience with you.
Thank your child for sharing their spiritual experience with you and assure them they’re believed.
Accept what they’re telling you as their truth and don’t attempt to deny it or change it in any way.
Ask questions about their spiritual experience to show you’ve listened to them and that you care.
Tell your child there are people in the community, children too, who’ve had spiritual experiences.
Encourage your child to draw a picture of their spiritual experience, to show you what it was like.
Have them write you a short story about their spiritual experience, then, read and talk about it.
Watch magical movies together in which your child can identify their own spiritual experience.
Read books that describe fantastical realities, with features your child may have experienced.
Check on your child to see if they’re having after-effects and help them adapt to new sensitivities.
If you feel your child is not coping well with their spiritual experience, or it is distracting them from their everyday activities, please seek guidance from a healthcare professional who is reputable and most importantly, open to spirituality.
Do research online. There are sites that provide helpful resources about spiritual experiences and their after-effects. Visit IANDS, NDERF, and ACISTE to see what is suggested about childhood spiritual experiences, support groups, and counselling.
If you are a parent, guardian, or caregiver of a child who has had a near-death experience or near-death-like experience, I recommend you view the International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) website for information on children’s NDEs.
“Linda’s story is beautifully written and of great healing benefit. It will be a great source of comfort to many… people will realise that they are not alone in having spiritual experiences and it will encourage them to share their experiences. More importantly, it will inform people, who know little about spiritually transformative experiences, of the full range of complexities associated with them.”
-Penny Sartori

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