Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunrise over mountain

Find comfort in Julienne’s heavenly encounters.

She reminds us not to worry about things here.

We belong to something greater.

I first met Julienne when she answered an ad I’d placed in a holistic journal that read: Have you ever had communication from a deceased person? Near-death experience or out-of-body experience?

I was 34, at home with a baby, and eager to hear people’s soul stories. Deep down, I felt alone with my spectacular spiritual experiences and wanted to connect with other experiencers.

I was trying to grasp how I’d experienced features typically associated with the near-death experience, without being close to death. I was a couple of years away from finding the answer. [Read more]

Over several weeks in 2008, Julienne shared her spiritually transformative experiences with me. She was a mum of two and a psychic medium in her late 50s from Port Macquarie. 

“As a child, I could see people in other rooms and around corners. I saw spirits in my room. I could leave my body. I’d astral travel over the fence to the yard next door, where I played.”


Julienne: saved by an angel Pin It!

Pin It!

I learnt she’d been a nurse who’d had a near-death experience at 17 during a bout of glandular fever. We had some things in common: out-of-body experiences, after-death experiences, and visions.

We’d both been in space and viewed the glorious Earth (OBE). We both encountered a divine light, extremely powerful and loving: “I seemed to belong to the light as if we were the same substance.”

Her NDE made her remember who she was and where she came from. True love. Divine love. God. She shared her psychic gifts with the people in her life, including the elderly and the dying.

You too may find comfort in Julienne’s experiences. She reminds you not to get too worried about things here. To follow your heart and hope for the best. That you belong to something greater.

“People often speak of the light during the dying process and I feel it and see it. I had a vision of Mary when I was in a dangerous situation. Another time, I had an angel appear which saved my life.”


Praying Mary with halo of stars statue

A vision of Mary

“I was twenty-two and had gone to a house in the inner city of Sydney to do business. It was a small historic home near the docks behind Kings Cross.

The front door opened directly on the lounge area with stairs going up on the left and a doorway leading to the kitchen on the right.

I was sitting on a lounge at the bottom of the stairs waiting for the man I was to meet, to come down the stairs. Another man was in the lounge room as well.

I looked over to the wall between the kitchen and the front door and saw a vision of Mary surrounded by light and with a moving halo of bright stars around her head.

She told me to get up straight away and walk out the door, and to get away as fast as I could.

As I did this, I was aware of the man coming down the stairs but I never looked back. Rather, I walked really fast to my home which was not far away.

I learnt afterward that one of the men had shot and killed the other and I’m sure I would have been shot as well, had I remained there.”


Woman resting in the arms of an angel


Saved by an angel

“My husband was an alcoholic and became very jealous because he believed I was having an affair. He came home after a three-day bender and wanted to kill me.

Afraid, I tried getting to the phone to call for help which was in a small room in the house, the office. He realised what I was doing and blocked me.

An angel appeared on my right side. He was large and very bright and told me telepathically to reach back to remove my handbag from the doorknob, which I did.

The angel told me to back out of the room and into the hallway slowly. As I did, my husband followed me there and spread his arms out from wall to wall.

Our son’s bedroom was behind him and the front door was in front of him. I had my back to the door and I was facing the bedroom.

Our boy was five years old and had been taking an afternoon nap. He suddenly appeared and walked down the hallway behind his father.

The angel told me not to look at him; he would walk under my husband’s right arm, and when he did, grab him and run. I did and fled out the door and up the road.


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We lived ten minutes out of Byron Bay township and I was able to make it about one hundred yards before my husband caught up to us in the car.

He took money from my purse and then drove to a shop halfway to town to buy tobacco. He knew we couldn’t make it to the highway before he got back.

But I was able to run much faster than I usually could, even while carrying my son. I was able to make it to the safety of another property before he returned.

Also, I had a cheque book in my bag. The woman whose house I went to drove us to Ballina about half an hour away. I felt the angel was with me the whole time. 

That night, we stayed in a motel and the next morning got a taxi to the airport and boarded a plane to Sydney. I was able to pay for everything with cheques.

Everything just fell into place. We stayed with relatives and I felt the protection and comfort of the angel for four weeks, right until I found a place of my own.”


Woman standing in a field watches the sunrise


“We are all connected and able to communicate in far-reaching ways that don’t depend on language or our physical senses.

There exists a divine gauge within each of us, which oversees whether we’re in keeping with our original soul plan, and it communicates a preferred option, whenever necessary.

Ultimately, it’s our choice whether we take notice of, and act upon, our intuition and the other insights being offered. Either way, we’ll experience the effects of our choices.”

– Julienne


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NEXT  Julienne’s After-Death Communication >

Linda Cull is an artist, author, poet, and blogger at Spirit my way® covering spirituality, inspired creativity, and transformative experiences. Keep up-to-date with her latest posts and offerings plus receive your FREEBIES > Join Email List!