Archive for the ‘A few things’ Category
By Linda Cull • January 21st, 2023
I’ve been wanting to share a few things…big things really. Future things. Like where I’m going creatively now that I’ve published Where The Light Lives & When Eve Walked. If I look out my studio windows I can see the growth that’s happened since I went through one of the biggest challenges of my life – spinal fusion surgery. It was a massive procedure and a slow recovery. I have MarfanRead more…
Filed under: Tags: creative entrepreneur, illustrator, photoshop, surface design, surface pattern design
A few things, Art biz
By Linda Cull • October 16th, 2021
Interesting the people we meet, are always reflections of ourselves. Either where we have been, where we are, or where we are going. These reflections are agents of transformation, helping us to see the truth of who we are and what we are capable of, so we may transcend beyond our perceived limitations. Years ago, I met a lovely lady. Our sons had hit it off at kindy and itRead more…
Filed under: Tags: atheist, believer, experiencer, life, spiritually transformative experiences, transformation
A few things, Spiritually transformative experiences
By Linda Cull • November 7th, 2020
A few things… earlier this year, aside from working with my book designer Damonza (affiliate) to create an awesome poetry book, I got back into my art practice with the help of the #100dayproject. I worked on smaller canvases and incorporated collages into my designs which I really enjoyed big time and it’s an area of creativity I would like to explore further. My artwork was in celebration of Eve,Read more…
Filed under: Tags: #100dayproject, art, collage, Eve, poetry, When Eve Walked
A few things, Inspired creativity
By Linda Cull • September 22nd, 2020
Welcome to the WHEN EVE WALKED book launch! Woohoo! When Eve Walked is now available from all good bookstores and online book retailers! And that’s something to celebrate! I’m delighted with my new book and hope you’ll enjoy it too! It’s been an epic journey creating When Eve Walked – a poetry collection about womanhood and spiritual transformation! My early 20s were abundant with spiritually transformative experiences. It was duringRead more…
Filed under: Tags: art, book launch, poetry, self-publishing, spiritual transformation, When Eve Walked
A few things, Inspired creativity, Spiritually transformative experiences, Writer’s voice
By Linda Cull • January 8th, 2018
A few things … Welcome to my new blog category called A Few Things. This category is about sharing a few extra things with you, whenever a few things arise. I wanted to start A Few Things by sharing my new Where The Light Lives Book Trailer with you. Firstly, a brief summary of my book: “Where The Light Lives is a beautifully written account of a young woman’s extraordinaryRead more…
Filed under: Tags: book marketing, book trailer, Canva, Story Remix, video, Where The Light Lives
A few things, Writer’s voice
By Linda Cull • February 12th, 2016
It’s up, up, and away for Spirit my way this week. My blog’s gone live and is starting to find its rhythm. Since last year, I’ve learned a lot about blogging and social media, and still, there’s more to learn. If technology kind of freaks you out as it did me, in a big way, and for a long time, well then, I’m living proof that the biggest avoider ofRead more…
Filed under: Tags: blog live, book release, celebration, legacy, Where The Light Lives, writer life
A few things, Writer’s voice