
Share Your Story

Photos by Linda

We’d love to hear your Soul Story

At Spirit my way you have the opportunity to share your spiritual experience or epiphany with readers who are intrigued by and accepting of such experiences. Writing your soul story allows you as an experiencer time to access your thoughts, excavate them, bringing them into the light of day to reflect upon and integrate into your daily life – it’s a therapeutic process, free and accessible to anyone, and one I highly recommend whether you choose to share your writing with others or not. 

Soul stories are the kinds of experiences that bring us to a point of communion with Spirit or God or to an awareness of the eternal nature of the soul. There may be a transformative element to these kinds of experiences – the experiencer is often changed by it, in remarkable ways. These are deeply personal, earth-moving, sometimes belief-altering, very real, realer than real, reverberating experiences, and may be difficult to verbalise and integrate.




Soul Story Guidelines

If you’d like to share your soul story please email me a description of your experience (or experiences) to and I’ll consider it for publication as a post. Please include the following details:

  1. Describe your experience in as much detail as possible – tell me what was going on in your life before you had the experience – and the short and long-term effects of the experience upon your life.
  2. What lasting impression did your experience leave you with that you would like to share with readers at Spirit my way?
  3. Indicate what name you’d like to appear with your soul story on the Spirit my way site – it can be your actual name or a made-up name. Also, indicate any features or background information, like your age or profession that you may wish to disclose, which will give readers an idea about who you are.
  4. Provide a photograph of yourself to go along with your story. It adds to the intimacy of the story. If you’d rather remain anonymous, that’s ok too. I’m also happy to accept more photographs if these add value to your story – just be sure to comply with copyright regulations.
  5. If I require any further information, I will contact you. Please ensure you include your full name and contact details with your story for my references only.


Terms of Engagement

  • Please note– I don’t provide payment for people’s stories and not all stories received are posted on the Spirit my way site.
  • The story you submit must be yours to tell or have the consent of the person you write on behalf of.
  • In sending your story and any photos to me, you are hereby permitting me to reproduce, copy edit and share these with my Spirit my way audience.
  • Please gain the appropriate copyright permissions for any photos you submit to me. If you didn’t take the photo, ask the person who did if it’s ok that I reproduce it here at Spirit my way. Thanks!


If you would like to further develop your soul story into a book for yourself, your family, and friends, or to share with a wide audience, as I’ve done, here at Spirit my way I provide aspiring authors with guidance on how to best achieve this aim. You may like to view the Writer’s Voice blog category here.


Read Soul Stories here

Images: © Linda Cull