
Spirituality Today Review

Where The Light Lives book

Review by Peter J Morris | 15 April 2016


Where The Light Lives by Linda Cull

The process of spiritual awakening, when it comes, is radically different for every one of us, and coping with the changes that arise as the Spirit enters our waking consciousness can often be a challenge – one that can leave us feeling lost, confused, and socially isolated.

In her book Where The Light Lives author, visionary artist and blogger Linda Cull recollects some of her pivotal life experiences – events that accompanied her own psychospiritual unfolding and through her writing she reveals the particular issues that she faced along the way.


Challenges of Life

Linda Cull is an Australian, born of Croatian immigrants. Through her early years, she struggled not only with a debilitating medical problem, the hereditary fallout of her parents’ own difficult personal experiences back in their native land but also with a series of recurring spontaneous astral projection events for which she had no explanation.

Assumptions are often made by some regarding the awakening of human consciousness and in her book, several of these are dispelled. Spirituality is not, as many would suggest an option that becomes available and which can be accepted or rejected at will for when true psychospiritual forces decide to express themselves you have to hang on tight and prepare yourself for a very bumpy ride.

For Cull, the regular breakthroughs from the inner planes manifested with strange synchronicities, otherworldly voices in her head, and apparitions of spirit bodies. At those times when the author did go in search of professional help, the answers she received to her questions regarding her strange experiences added little to her understanding of what was really taking place in her life.


The Light Expands its Power

Despite these challenges to her sanity Cull slowly adapted to the strangeness that was taking place around her and as a result, new levels of expanded understanding regarding the nature of our Universe started to unfold.

Part of this deeper level of understanding led her to see the physical world as one full of signs and notifications – omens that would lead her into further exploration of her own innate skills and talents. One of those that emerged was that of painting.

Later on in Where The Light Lives Cull describes events that resulted in her becoming convinced of the existence of a parallel world that is inhabited by the deceased. She also came to recognise the particular efforts that many spirits go to in trying to reassure the living of their continued existence on the other side of the veil.

As the book closes it does so with the author’s eventual acclimatisation to the spiritual influences that were increasingly flowing through her and steering her in remarkable directions throughout her daily life.

Finally, in its conclusion, Cull reveals how whilst the process of unfoldment into a spiritual consciousness was both difficult and challenging it eventually led to a chance remark that in turn gave birth to her book.

As she explains, it was through her desire to share her experiences with others, that she eventually arrived at a point of equanimity between herself and the outcome of a life that had become unfolded for her through many long, hard years of spiritual metamorphosis.


Our Review of ‘Where The Light Lives‘ by Linda Cull

The story that Linda Cull shares in her book is very personal and one that centres to a large degree upon her own physical, emotional, and psychic relationships with members of her own family.

For that reason, I have deliberately avoided sharing too much of the story here for fear of spoiling it for those who might be drawn to read it for themselves.

However, in very general terms it can be said that the author’s account is open and honest in its appraisal of the unfolding of her consciousness. Did it go smoothly? How did she cope with the rejection and ridicule heaped upon her when she tried to share her experiences with others?

To find out you will have to follow the author’s account, which incidentally is very engaging. Readers will enjoy the process of pondering upon the choices that Cull made, often at times when she felt alone and isolated from those who could neither understand nor relate to her experiences.

Whilst there is no one singular explanation for why so many spiritual people have to undergo such tremendous feats of physical and psychological endurance; such as those experienced by Linda Cull, is unclear to us all, nevertheless, for Cull, the difficult and challenging journey clearly has offered its own specific benefits and advantages.

For those who might question the purpose behind their own journey into awakened consciousness, this book offers support and self-affirming reflections upon not only the path that has to be followed but also of the prize that emerges at the end.

Where The Light Lives is a heart-warming story of love, determination, and sheer tenacity. It dispels the idea that we are alone in our spiritual journey and in doing so offers a guiding hand to those who are struggling and confused by their own spiritual or psychic unfolding.


A highly recommended read!

-Peter J Morris


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