Posts Tagged ‘after-death communication’
By Linda Cull • October 20th, 2023
My Aunty Mary spent her last Mother’s Day with all her beloveds. Later that evening, she died, peacefully. It was a perfect death. The kind I’d like to have…one day… And yet, I felt devastated by the news of her passing. This deep grief rose up and out of me – it was unexpected. Why such despair when I very much believe in an afterlife? Because…another fragment of my cultureRead more…
Filed under: Tags: after-death communication, death, life, meaning, prayer, spiritually transformative experience
Soul story, Spiritually transformative experiences
By Linda Cull • June 23rd, 2023
This morning I received the “green light” to share one of the more remarkable experiences of my life, and well, I’ve had many. This one stands out because it involves a beloved public figure with a powerful spirit. The remarkable experience was a series of after-death communications I had with the late Heath Ledger – the actor – very soon after his passing. My firstborn son, Oliver, who was thenRead more…
Filed under: Tags: after-death communication, grief, healing, Heath Ledger, mediumship
Soul story, Spiritually transformative experiences, Writer’s voice
By Linda Cull • November 15th, 2019
Heavenly tomato seeds Are tomato seeds or tomatoes special to you? Do they evoke happiness? The picking of juicy red fruits from your summer garden. Salads. Pasta sauce. For me, they’re a hello from heaven! My dad, who died a couple of years ago, when alive, was one of the very best tomato growers on the planet. Truly. You’ve never tasted a better tomato than one grown by my dad.Read more…
Filed under: Tags: after-death communication, after-life, grief, healing, heaven, spirit communication
Soul story, Spirituality (everyday)
By Linda Cull • July 17th, 2019
Death is an inevitable companion of life. When it’s time to pass, and if you had half the chance, wouldn’t you let your loved ones know you’d made it out of this life and into the next, okay? In the same way, a son or daughter calls home from a foreign land to let their parents know of safe arrival, wouldn’t your desire be to alleviate their worry? And, ifRead more…
Filed under: Tags: after-death communication, death, grief, healing, soulful, spiritual survival
Soul story
By Linda Cull • March 7th, 2019
Sometimes our dearly departed visit us in our dreams or we visit them on the spiritual plane while our body sleeps, just so we can receive spiritual messages, as was Julienne’s experience: “Aunty Pat was my father’s only sibling. She had been dead for a few years and I was living at a place called Camira Creek, New South Wales (NSW), in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by state forest.Read more…
Filed under: Tags: after-death communication, dream, Julienne, premonition, spirit message, vision
Soul story
By Linda Cull • June 16th, 2017
Ms. Graziella Daillér, 48, was killed by her ex-partner, the step-son of a football star, who also took his own life, on or about Thursday 15 May 2014. The killer was a repetitive abuser, who breached an intervention order issued against him and was allowed to repeatedly torment her after she left the relationship in 2012. I encountered the spirit of Ms. Daillér and consequently, domestic violence became my businessRead more…
Filed under: Tags: after-death communication, domestic violence, Graziella Dailler, grief, intuition, synchronicity
Soul story