Posts Tagged ‘art’
By Linda Cull • November 7th, 2020
A few things… earlier this year, aside from working with my book designer Damonza (affiliate) to create an awesome poetry book, I got back into my art practice with the help of the #100dayproject. I worked on smaller canvases and incorporated collages into my designs which I really enjoyed big time and it’s an area of creativity I would like to explore further. My artwork was in celebration of Eve,Read more…
Filed under: Tags: #100dayproject, art, collage, Eve, poetry, When Eve Walked
A few things, Inspired creativity
By Linda Cull • September 22nd, 2020
Welcome to the WHEN EVE WALKED book launch! Woohoo! When Eve Walked is now available from all good bookstores and online book retailers! And that’s something to celebrate! I’m delighted with my new book and hope you’ll enjoy it too! It’s been an epic journey creating When Eve Walked – a poetry collection about womanhood and spiritual transformation! My early 20s were abundant with spiritually transformative experiences. It was duringRead more…
Filed under: Tags: art, book launch, poetry, self-publishing, spiritual transformation, When Eve Walked
A few things, Inspired creativity, Spiritually transformative experiences, Writer’s voice
By Linda Cull • September 20th, 2019
My artsy friends and I left Fi Wilkie’s studio buzzing with inspo… We walked along a charming country lane where shrubs spilled over fence tops… Next on our great Margaret River Region Open Studios adventure: Emily Jackson’s art studio. Known for her amazing printmaking of local nature, we couldn’t wait to see where she created! We entered a neat rustic garden through a side gate with a blueRead more…
Filed under: Tags: art, art studio, artist, Emily Jackson, Margaret River, Open Studios
Art biz
By Linda Cull • May 19th, 2019
If you love seeing women’s creative spaces and artworks (like I do!) then you’re going to enjoy my Art Studios series featuring the working studios of talented artists from Western Australia. In beautiful May, I was fortunate to visit Margaret River Region Open Studios with friends. It’s the biggest art event of its kind in Australia, an annual festival that invites the public, over two weeks, into the studios ofRead more…
Filed under: Tags: art, art studio, artist, Fi Wilkie, Margaret River, Open Studios
Art biz
By Linda Cull • December 16th, 2016
When I met with artist Tessa Joy in Fremantle, Western Australia, at the historic Kidogo Arthouse, there was a wedding florist preparing the space for a mid-afternoon ceremony. What a beautiful place to be married in! The bride and groom would be exchanging their vows in this little bit of heaven by the sea, in view of my friend’s soulful art being exhibited on its walls. Tessa and I didRead more…
Filed under: Tags: art, art studio, artist, soulful, Tessa Joy, travel
Art biz