Welcome to my final interview with Claire Bourgein about your essential nature. At some point in life, you wonder: Who am I? What am I? Am I more than flesh? Yes… You are universal energy. Who better to talk about the true you than a spiritual master? Someone who walks the talk 24/7. Claire has been my teacher for many years and has helped transform the lives of countless people.Read more…
Posts Tagged ‘energy’
By Linda Cull • September 21st, 2018WHAT ARE YOU FEELING IN THIS LIFETIME?
By Linda Cull • July 20th, 2018This is my third interview with Claire Bourgein, a spiritual counsellor and meditation teacher of thirty years. You can find out more about Claire in Interview 1. In my experience, Claire’s as authentic as they come. She walks her talk 24/7. She supports all kinds of people to make better choices and live happier lives. In our previous interview, Claire spoke about anger. You can catch up on Interview 2Read more…