
Posts Tagged ‘mental health’


By Linda Cull • September 14th, 2023

R U OK? Sometimes, we’re not OK. But we don’t know how to say it. We don’t know who to entrust our most private self with. The earlier part of my life, from my teen years to early adulthood, was marred by intense emotions and mood fluctuations from which I thought I’d never emerge. Some of my lows were very, very low. Anxiety. Depression. Body dysmorphia. Agoraphobia. Suicidal thoughts. And,Read more…


By Linda Cull • February 16th, 2023

When I think about the big things that have shaped my life, they have been things that have blessed me yet also greatly challenged me – giving me the opportunity to grow and realise my value, inner strength, and gifts. With age and wisdom, I acknowledge these blessings and I’m thankful for them. When I was younger, I didn’t appreciate how life’s hurdles were necessary factors in my personal developmentRead more…